Check on the tabs below for all the info you need


Tuesday, 30 November 2010

WOW WOW WOW calling all Mabel Lucie Attwell Fans

and who cant be a fan of Mabels's?? 

The Artistic Stamper has donated their ENTIRE - yes ALL of them -

Thats over £90 pounds worth!

Plus a few more stamps and something else rather exciting which we can tell you about when we have more details


Psssst! want a clue?

Done a bit more work on the raffle prize.

This might give you a bit of a clue! lol

Monday, 29 November 2010

Another Wonderful Company!

THE CRAFT BARN - Surrey (a favourite haunt of Sparkles and me - plus Mr S liked it due to the comfy sofa, friendly staff and tea shop next door) have very generously donated two fab prizes

A  Letterpress starter kit  (£49.99)  
Carol Cockbain’s Dreaweaver Stencil  DVD  (£14.99)

Scroll down to see a picture, or click on the link and that will take you straight to the shop and while you are there please vote for them in the 2010 craft awards


also take a look at the
Spellbinders New Grand Calibur Cut & Emboss Machine
kindly donated by OYSTER STAMPS 

Can you see what it is yet?!

It's not looking much like a raffle prize here is it!!!

Rest assured I am having fun faffing this up for the Hugbinders day raffle prize.

Have you got any idea what it is yet?

I will leave you guessing whilst I try and get some idea what to do with it! Debs xx

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Raffle prize from Ejay

Docrafters will know Ejay - what they may not know is how talented she is wielding a paintbrush!

She has very kindly painted, framed and donated this picture to Hugbinders to be used as a raffle prize - so get buying your tickets! If you would like a ticket or twenty please email Hugbinders on

Thank you Ejay!! We loves you we do!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Wow we have had some wonderful offers!

of help, donations of stash to help us along the way, cash by an anonoymous (well I know who it is but am sworn ro secrecy!) to help offset some of our costs, and raffle prizes - so be sure to buy your tickets - only £1 each - conatct me for my address if you would like to buy some

Oyster Stamps/  Spellbinders New Grand Calibur Cut & Emboss Machine - retail price £95

The Craft Barn  -  Letterpress starter kit  (£49.99)  plus 1 of Carol Cockbain’s Dreaweaver Stencil  DVD’s  (£14.99

Ejay - Framed Painting, painted by the lady herself!

Capture the Magic - prize to be confirmed
Nicks  - A piece of Altered Art - picture when its done!
Hels Sheridan/ - A wonderful work of art by a wonderful lady 

Ruby Summer - Make Up Bag Kit - fabric design may vary - TBC - something akin to her wedding album - a work of art! its a WIP atm
Docrafts - Special Goody Bag - when it arrives I'll tell you what is in it!

Cupcake Fairy   TBA
keep popping back to check the list as it will be updated ! 

Claire Jessiman - A GORGEOUS handcrafted bag!

Katrina Balmer  Handmade necklace and Bracelet Set 

Ann of Ayshire   - A beautiful necklace 

Selection of Gorgeous Crafty Stuff donated by Laura Jewel aka Bluespero  (please note this will be split into several smaller prizes and one or two bits will be used in the production of the book covers and the items which will then be part used will be sold - all profits to HugBinders) 

Set of Artemio Stamps - Donated by Jeanette Cameron aka The Black Isle Crafter
A 'Tatty' original painting by Ange lee 

Thursday, 25 November 2010

So What Is It All About?

Saturday 5th March 2011

This would have been John's (Mr S!) 70th Birthday - so is very apt!

Hainford village Hall


in aid of
When we came up with the idea of raising some money we wanted everyone to be involved if they wish. Obviously this is difficult since the nature of an online forum is that we are scattered far and wide - but this is the plan!
We are asking people to make a page for a book.
The pages will be copied and made into books by people attending the workshop on the 5th March at the above Venue.
The Books will then be sold.
There will obviously be some costs involved but we hope to keep these minimal and ALL profits will be given to Macmillan.
If you would like to make a page - here are a few 'rules'
The page can be anything you like - within reason! - we reserve the right to not include any page which is deemed inappropriate/rude/defamatory (not that we are expecting any but you never know!) - so it can be a drawing/poem/piece of writing/painting/scrapbook type affair - whatever!!
It must be two dimensional - i.e. flat! no embellishments etc. . Your page must be able to be scanned/photo copied.
If possible, it would help greatly with costs if you could do some copies of your work (maybe 20 - 30 ? but this will be confirmed when we have more idea of how many books will be sold) If you are not able to do this please don't worry but it would be really appreciated by us and will add to the profits made. Please use a fairly good paper rather than cheap copier paper. we hope the books will be well loved and well thumbed through!
We welcome coloured pages, but if you feel you page will look better in black and white (if it is just text for example) then these will be will be easier/cheaper to copy so feel free to send them - no reason why you can't print onto coloured paper!
Please do not use a lot of blocks of colour - these are thirsty on ink (unless you are prepared to print the copies off yourself)
Pages must be A5 (A5 is half of A4) - but bear in mind that by the nature of the binding two holes will be made in the left hand margin approx. 1cm from the edge.
The orientation of the book will be 'Portrait' but your page can be either portrait or landscape
Please put your name somewhere on the FRONT of your work, so people knows who it is - Please send the original along with any copies before 10th Feb, even if you are coming to the workshop
The copies of the pages will be made into books by people attending the 'workshop' on the 5th of March – Each book will be unique and made with love
They will retail at £10 each plus P&P.
We will need orders and payment before the day so we know how many need to be made and how many pages need to be copied
There will be a raffle which will be drawn at the Workshop £1 a ticket – If you would like a ‘ticket’ or tickets please add this to your payment and we will put your name in the hat!! There will be some original Works of Art donated as prizes along with lots of other prizes.
This will be held on the above date and everybody is welcome.
The cost will be £25 per person, which will include Tea/coffee/soft drinks light snacks served by a band of very handsome men and a copy of the book.
At the workshop you will make one or more covers for the book and help assemble them ready for posting.
There will also hopefully be some demonstrations going on - is there any technique anyone would particularly like to learn?
To keep costs down it would be good if people could bring along a plateful of food to add to the lunchtime buffet!
We are also holding a raffle to add a bit more to funds so if you would like to donate a prize all the better!
At the end of the day we will be having a Fish and Chip supper – if you would like one, orders will need to be placed in advance @£5 a head - bring your own wine!!
Please bring your own personal craft kit if possible
Cant come to the workshop???
We would love it if this could be a national event on the day - so could you hold your own crafty event/coffee morning on that day ??
Donations please!
offers of help printing the pages
Backing papers etc. that can be used on the book covers
Ribbons, twines etc.
BOOK RINGS!! Silver or coloured
Raffle Prizes
But most importantly make a page and BUY A BOOK!
Thank you xxx
I’m sure we will think of other stuff so will keep you posted
If you have any questions please email Nicks
Keep an eye on this Blog to see what the prizes will be!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Would you like to know more about our Mr S?

Have a look here.....

and meet the lovely peeps on the Docrafts Forum

A tribute written by KathKat - who also thought up the name HugBinders

"Armed Salute" by the Huggers.

A tribute to a much-loved King of Hugs, and to the courageous fight of a gentle man against illness.

Let Chat be hushed
A while today...
The King of Hugs
Has slipped away.
For those who loved him,
And held him dear,
May comfort come
From far and near.
A tribute to courage,
A thought for the way
He faced up to illness,
Yet little did say.
How to express
The sadness we feel?
Our pain isn't virtual
For a cyber-friend real.
In memory of John
At Nicks' request...
May hugs continue!
Our King is at rest.