of help, donations of stash to help us along the way, cash by an anonoymous (well I know who it is but am sworn ro secrecy!) to help offset some of our costs, and raffle prizes - so be sure to buy your tickets - only £1 each - conatct me for my address if you would like to buy some
Oyster Stamps/ - Spellbinders New Grand Calibur Cut & Emboss Machine - retail price £95
The Craft Barn - Letterpress starter kit (£49.99) plus 1 of Carol Cockbain’s Dreaweaver Stencil DVD’s (£14.99
Ejay - Framed Painting, painted by the lady herself!
Capture the Magic - prize to be confirmed
Nicks - A piece of Altered Art - picture when its done!
Hels Sheridan/ - A wonderful work of art by a wonderful lady
Ruby Summer - http://rubysummervintage.blogspot.com/ - Make Up Bag Kit - fabric design may vary
http://fuchsias-craftynotions.blogspot.com/ - TBC
http://katherinesdabblings.blogspot.com/ - something akin to her wedding album
http://www.debsalteredmind.blogspot.com/ - a work of art! its a WIP atm
Docrafts - Special Goody Bag - when it arrives I'll tell you what is in it!
Cupcake Fairy TBA
keep popping back to check the list as it will be updated !
Claire Jessiman - A GORGEOUS handcrafted bag!
Ann of Ayshire - A beautiful necklace
Selection of Gorgeous Crafty Stuff donated by Laura Jewel aka Bluespero (please note this will be split into several smaller prizes and one or two bits will be used in the production of the book covers and the items which will then be part used will be sold - all profits to HugBinders)

Set of Artemio Stamps - Donated by Jeanette Cameron aka The Black Isle Crafter
A 'Tatty' original painting by Ange lee
What fabulous prizes! I won't offer to make a "work of art" as it will come out as a "work of tat" lol But I will have a sort out and donate some general prizes, such as smellies, gift vouchers etc so any non crafters can win as well. So come on all, time to buy those raffle tickets please!!!!!!
Wow the response is overwhelming, thank you everyone xxx
ReplyDeleteoooh the prizes are looking good.
ReplyDeleteBagsey all the raffle tickets! lol
Wow !!! what fab peeps
ReplyDeleteI will prob do something like my big mirror perhaps hug related and find some time for some smaller items too xx